I don't know how I missed this whole thread, but I just wanted to let you know I love how rapidly you are pursuing getting an answer!

Our son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder when he was young and having early intervention therapies helped him incredibly! My husband was extremely resistant to any kind of "label" but he has since come around and is our son's biggest champion.

DH is the one who goes in to the school and has the patience to sit for hours explaining to the principal that DS is not being defiant, DS is not a sociopath, here is what the school can do to make life easier for everyone. DH is the one who checks and makes sure the school is following the IEP, and meets with the teachers individually to discuss what would work best in that particular classroom. For someone who was adamently against labels, DH has turned into an advocate...and our son is thriving because of it!

Now I need to work on getting DH to be a gifted advocate...:) Nan