KD, that sounds like progress, even if you're not totally sure yet. A couple of things your post made me think of:

(1) Not to scare you, but if your child gets overly hyper, or irritable, or sleepless, that can be a side effect of ADHD meds. Just something to watch for and report back to the doc. It can take a while to get the dosing and choice of med correct and tailored to the child. There are a lot of different meds for ADHD, so it's not a big deal if the first one doesn't work well.

(2) Is it worthwhile (and possible) to schedule a followup with the psych, just you and your DH, to work through the issue of his feeling there is something "wrong" with the child? It's still the same kid, the label doesn't change him, but your DH's feelings can have a huge impact on the child if they're not addressed.

Kudos to you for following through...