Originally Posted by Clay
As we know, what applies in the school setting does not necessarily translate to the "real world". And in my experience, strong oratory skills, persuasive abilities, technical writing expertise, sharp sense of humor, etc., etc., are very much in demand and very much appreciated, particularly if they are coupled with -- as lulu mentioned -- the ability to modulate one's language to fit the audience.

I agree. My son inherited his verbal gifts from his dad who works as a supervisor for a university. My husband is not a professor, like his geology professor sister, but he is much more fun to be around. My husband's verbal gifts and "acting ability" were very useful when he worked in military intelligence years ago. His verbal abilities made him very versatile and he has never had trouble finding a job. He has retired twice and was at an age when a lot of people have trouble finding a job and he not only found one right away but they are trying to talk him out of retiring in a few years.