Interesting article. For someone who has two boys, one very strong in Math and the other in Language, it made me me question myself. I do tend to worry about 'the nerd' much more. I think one reason for this is that my gifted Verbally guy seems to have a sixth sense in language. He knows when to speak up and when to 'dumb down' in conversation. He can charm any adult with his questioning, vocabulary and humor, but cuts his language right down naturally when talking with his age peers. He's not even making an effort 'not to sound so smart', it all just seems so natural. I think this is part of his verbal gift - being audience appropriate, and makes his social life a relative 'walk in the park'.
On the other hand, I do know that he finds it personally frustrating that gifted Math kids get further accelerated in an obvious way, and there is a lot to be said for Verbal precocity not being appreciated by society.
Thanks for the article.