"verbally* gifted kids (and by extension I guess, adults) have it harder vis a vis their artistically and mathematically/science gifted peers."

Well, first I'd have to say that all gifted kids can have a hard time of things, just in different ways. But -- and doubtless there are powerful exceptions to this -- I don't believe verbally gifted adults have a harder time of things. As we know, what applies in the school setting does not necessarily translate to the "real world". And in my experience, strong oratory skills, persuasive abilities, technical writing expertise, sharp sense of humor, etc., etc., are very much in demand and very much appreciated, particularly if they are coupled with -- as lulu mentioned -- the ability to modulate one's language to fit the audience.

Doubtless, a math/science precocity mixed with verbal skills is a potent match, but I think being too skewed in the math (and, to a lesser extent, science) direction can be alienating throughout life.