Originally Posted by Cathy A
I am a little disturbed by the implications of this offer:

"The Ruf Estimates Online Assessment is available with group rates for educational institutions needing Preschool and Kindergarten screenings."

Now it is not just a tool to give parents information, it is a decision-making tool for preschools and kindergartens?

Hmmm ... I do find this a bit disturbing as well unless it is used in conjunction with other screening tools. Use of this tool for my particular child pre-K would definitely not given me accurate information and he is NOT 2E. I worry most about kids that could fall through the cracks. Both my husband and I were kids that were NOT ided, so gifted was not remotely on our radar until my kid hit the ceiling of a screener at school. Had that screener not happened, he'd most like be a underachieving behavioral problem right now and probably labeled ADHD.

I've heard rave reviews on individual assessments from Dr. Ruf. I know plenty of people who've used her locally and who have been very pleased. I'd be more ok with this tool if it were free.