I don't know if my child is PG and hate to label her as such since I haven't gone through the testing process. There are days where I've even question if she is gifted but have come to accept that I have grown accustom to her abilities and it just feels normal now. I do believe her to be in the HG+ range and am comfortable with that label.

I also want to add something to this 'fixed' intelligence: environment; that doesn't really seem to be considered here. I still believe that IF the parents are not exaggerating and the child is consistent with the data Ruf has collected that the odds of the child being gifted is high. Is it a guarantee of the levels she claims? I really have no idea and still ponder this but I don't think it would be a huge difference in the range but more a level off. If the said child gets into school and isn't challenged and doesn't progress to the level they were before starting school does this prove them not to be gifted? I don't think so ... just a sign of the environment and personality.

And again ... I fully believe that Ruf overlooks 2E and late bloomers in her book.

Oops ... seems like I wasn't the only one thinking about environment... was discussed while I was typing this post.

Last edited by Katelyn'sM om; 07/25/10 08:50 AM.