All state-funded (ie, free) prek programs here are 6.5 hours/day, 180 days/yr. Grr. HOWEVER, I'll look into a PT private PreK if this doesn't seem like it will work out. (I know of three in this area: one was filled up in March -- doh!; one has a waiting list, but I didn't like the vibe anyway; and one, I haven't checked into -- mostly because it's not secular, and just as I was writing this, it occurs to me that it's not b/c I have dislike religious schools but b/c I have a bad gut reaction to my in-laws religiosity. wow...) There are probably more options; I'll have to dig, but thanks -- for some reason that option hadn't entirely clicked...

Anyway, thanks for the tips on showing samples -- that sounds perfect. And for the wording (I love the "less shy" thing -- I think that type of thing happened to her in day care, though she loved her teachers).

That's a great question about the bookshelf. Haven't seen it, but when I saw the state's PreK book list, I cringed. Which isn't necessarily to say that dd wouldn't mind looking over those books, but you are right, if it's to the exclusion of the type of stuff she reads now (which I have no doubt it will be), she'll notice. And she is very observant about that sort of thing. *sigh, sigh, sigh*