My dd (4 in July) has a slot at the neighborhood state-funded prek. It's a one class pre-k (a big, lovely room with a big, lovely playground) w/ 20 kids, 1 teacher, and one teacher's aide. I have not had a chance to meet the teacher -- will do so at some point in July.

I am inclined to think I will not enroll dd in PreK, but keep her at home instead. I want her to be able to go at her own pace, and to remain happy and comfortable with who she is. HOWEVER, I'm also entering my pre-dissertation year in a doctoral program, and sure could use the free day care. smile So, I keep a tiny flame of hope that they can and will accomodate her. (BTW, there are grade requirements in this state until 1st grade, so no grade skipping in public school, and most of the private schools around here follow suit).

Today, I got a large packet of stuff to fill out from her school. One section said "My child has the following special need(s):" and "The following special accomodation(s) may be required to most effectively meet my child's needs while at this center."

I believe giftedness is considered a special need, BUT while there is a state-mandated gifted program, it's K-12 (and, 10% of the school population is in GT programs, which makes me question how meaningful they would be to dd anyway).

Anyway, my questions are:
1) Do I bother filling this section out? (DD is not 2e, just -- untested -- HG+) Also, this is a state form; I don't even know how the local PreK uses it.
2) If I *do* fill it out, what do I say re her "special need"?
3) Does this sound okay for the special accomodation request: That my daughter be allowed to undertake independant work in Language Arts and Math (and other subjects as appropriate) so that she be allowed to work at her own level and at her own pace?

Thanks in advance for the advice/insights!