JJsMom -- Thanks for telling me @ the whole grade acceleration. We'll push it if we are still in the state next year -- but chances are, we won't be.

DLK -- Yup, we'll bring books from home if its okay with the teachers. We occassionally did that when she was in day care. (I remember one time she brought a book, and when I picked her up that afternoon, she was very sad because the teacher had read the book to the class and the other kids hadn't liked it. frown )

I hadn't thought about the whole nap thing. DD hasn't napped in ages (except sometimes when we're in the car, which is rather convenient...) At her day care, it was fine as long as she stayed in her cot and was quiet.

The more I think about it, the more I like the PT pre-k idea. Allows her to socialize, allows mommy to get her work done, hopefully minimizes her homework, and leaves plenty of time in the day for exploring!

One thing I was thinking about last night is that she was perpetually sick when she was in day care, and I was nearly so. frown And the day care was very clean and consciencious about washing hands, etc. I hope kids are better about not sharing their germs in pre-k, though somehow I doubt it...