Originally Posted by Clay
3) Does this sound okay for the special accomodation request: That my daughter be allowed to undertake independant work in Language Arts and Math (and other subjects as appropriate) so that she be allowed to work at her own level and at her own pace?

Thanks in advance for the advice/insights!
This sounds perfectly ok!
For the rest, you can try to couch all your requests in 'social-emotional needs'-speak. She enjoys peers who are highly verbal, is less shy when the teachers are aware of and comfortable with her reading level - she is currently reading X.

If the program is half-day, many unusually gifted kids have found a half day program just fine. Preschool teachers seem, as a group, to be more comfortable with the idea that each child develops at their own pace, so are often more open to a child have unusual needs for higher level material. often.

I would bring some written samples of your dd's work, in her own handwriting - some math worksheets and perhaps a 'book report' if she can do that sort of thing to show the teacher in July, and ask what she has done with kids who are doing similar work to your DD in the past. Observe closely the teacher's reaction. If he or she automatically starts 'blaming' you for being 'one of those parents' - it's better to know right up front what you are dealing with.

Take a look inside that lovely room - specifically the bookshelves - will there be books available that your dd would enjoy? What kind of signal does it send a sensitive kid when all the 'approved books' on the school books shelf are 'babyish?' It doesn't send the message that we like 'who you are.'

Ideally, you would be able to observe the Kindy gifted program in action. If it meets very often, you might see if your dd would be allowed to attend as a pre-k. Pull out programs that are a real snooze with agemates, can be very wonderful if the child is a year or two younger than the target group.


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