Originally Posted by Grinity
I think the next best thing to a crystal ball is to observe who the child reacts to novel learning situation, and to learning situations where some work is required. If the child only wants to play if they are sure to win - that tells you a lot without a crystal ball!

Funny you should mention that. We enrolled DS in a CTY online Critical Reading class for the first time this summer. He's just starting his 2nd week. So far, what I've seen is a lazy attitude with high expectations. He doesn't want to take the time to think about the questions, nor to answer them fully, but he thinks his answers deserve high praise. Frankly, he's been more absorbed with messing with the fonts on the computer than answering the questions. It is only the second week, though, and I'm very interested to see how he progresses. Perhaps the class will be more valuable than just providing DS with a learning experience. Maybe, as you suggest, it might provide insight into whether or not it is enough.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply!