In any conversation about "is it enough?" I always like to bring up Carolyn K's wonderful article about finding the least-worst school fit:

Before we make *any* decision about school stuff--and we revisit our choices at least briefly every year--I go back and re-read that article. It reminds me that doing nothing is a choice, and it is not necessarily the best choice. It reminds me that there's no point on getting hung up on perfect; stay focused on what's really available. It also reminds me to look at all our possible options instead of limiting ourselves prematurely.

So I guess instead of asking "is it enough?" I'd ask "Is there something that's potentially better available?"

If you went with some other educational option, would your child have to lose those friendships at the school, or could you maintain those and build new ones at a different public school, a private school, or in a homeschool group?

Can you get creative and do partial homeschooling/dual enrollment and get the best of both worlds?

Are there other solutions around that might make something that seems hard easier? Research is your friend. wink

I guess what I'm saying is to start with everything that you could do, then use pros and cons and workarounds to decide which of those possibilities is the least-worst option. It's a bigger question, but ultimately it is a more useful and productive question for me than "Is what we're doing enough?"

