My DYS DS did 1st thru 3rd in a school that was not challenging enough. They kept promising more challenge each year. I think the school, including the gifted teacher will never understand his needs. I felt like school was hurting his learning attitude, self esteem and home attitude. It is good he made 2 best friends locally who are a good match for him, while going to this school. It had to get really bad at school for me to make the big change to another school 30 mins from home. He will appreciated the gifted school more because of his bad experience.

I would suggest looking into other options. Knowing what your other options can help your decision.

I think a underchallenging school can be enough if the child does enough activies outside of school that are challenging. My son didn't want to do much with extra activities because he wants to use his free time for sports and doesn't like to get over scheduled.

Some school will accept part time homeschooling, course subtitution, or accelloration which can balance a child day. Our school thought he should do more work above the normal load to meet his needs and this caused resentment.

Last edited by onthegomom; 06/23/10 10:45 PM.