Wow... thank you for all the responses. I have read the threads here this past week and tears have ran down my face.

I have never been a "label" person. Oldest DS was labeled "gifted" but as soon as he started playing sports, school went out the window. I assumed life evens out...
He was my measuring stick...BUT he was very well rounded.

I have to "revamp" my thinking and get proactive in this.

I guess I have concerns...
1. he is not focused enough to sit for battery of testing without "Checking out" I did some practice ones with him.
Sunday afternoon I gave him a battery of questions he knew them all. Sunday night same questions switched around the order...
He answered 2 wrong. When I verbally asked him he knew it.UGG

2. He is a "brillant disaster" the only more disorganized person I know is his father...I have seen him get a question or two wrong on Math because he didn't finish the problem on the count he can't read his own writing. He doesn't like to completely read through the whole question before answering it. He is usually right but it is a very bad habit.

To answer some questions

The test he was given was Iowa Test "ITBS" I thought science and math are usually in the same ranges? How can science be 98 and Math 49? yet he excells in class? and HOW can he decrease his score in one year by 40 % points. Not to mention he is watching you tube for instruction...

I am old school... I had no idea you tube had this stuff...LOL

OK what is a LOG ?
I have not read any books on this subject yet I really had an adversion to "labels" and tried very hard to "normalize" my son.
He isn't normal, we had him worked up for Aspergers (age 4 and age 6) the doctor said he doesn't even come close to the critia. He is SO social...He is exhausting. I think that was the doctor who got to learn everything about the Titanic.

I am working with a tutor that is masters prepared. We are going to construct some sort of a "summer" program for him.
So far HE suggested a book for her 8th grade student that is struggling in US History...LOL She has known him for awhile. I hired her when he was in preschool because I couldn't keep up!

I rehired her recently to help me. My husband is just so busy with work and it's tough having to be the only parent doing everything. This is not going to be fun.

I think...and tell me if I am wrong...He needs test taking skills. NOT short 30 question tests. But these long type tests that require him to stay focused. He has no issues with ADHD he can read a book for hours and he is NOT a TV watcher or a video gamer he likes to LEARN...

What tests would you all recommend ?

I have so much too learn...