My DS was SHOCKED and very hurt. I did not tell him the reason (ITBS) I found out the reason via email conversation with the advanced math instructor. DS always felt like "school" was his thing. The other kids could excel in sports and get picked for teams (he is always the last one picked for sport teams).
Learning was his thing. His older Brother is an athletic "legend" in these parts. Played at a big name HS then went on and played in college ball. DS10 always thought the "sport" thing would kick in. It was great when they picked teams in Science class. He was the FIRST one picked. I used that to show him how everyone has their "strengths".
It's because I have always down played the ITBS testing at the school that I didn't tell him. He just kept saying things like "How did Johnny get in he hasn't even passed his division yet" (DS test out on the first test in Oct). Or "Drew gets B's and C's on his tests". DS NOW claims to "Hate Math"
DS also is the same way at school as he is at home. All of his teachers say the same thing. I was thinking it is his "rambling on" that might have got him 'nixed" from the Advanced Math class.
If you are trying to teach different grade levels and have material to cover it may be more difficult with a child who questions a lot. This teacher is very tight with the principle and I have no doubt the principle would back her decision.
This is a private school with about 500 kids. There is one advanced Math teacher (grades 5-8). The school grades on straight % without a curve. He tests fine on smaller tests he missed 1 science question the whole year and won their science contest. He is getting a 94.5 in Math as I have stated his
need to educate everyone on things he knows is huge.
He answers questions on a higher level.
They do not have a school Physcologist any extra testing I do would be outside. However based on the dynamics I have seen, it wouldn't make a difference.
I have NO doubt he would get an A in Advanced Math. He will reach whatever level they give him...
sorry if this is scattered...little DD is yacking at me. :-)