I am considering home schooling...
I am not confident in my background to teach him. I cannot understand half the stuff I get informed on in the morning on the way to school. Like this morning I told the kids we are going to NYC for 2 days. I mentioned the statue of liberty and he gave me the composite breakdown of the metal she is made out of. All the colors she had turned throughout the years and what metals mixed togther make what ? Yea I was lost.
This isn't normal right ?
He is different right?
Yes, he is different and high ability and high achievement are not the same thing. A gifted child may not have high achievement scores, but that doesn't mean that he isn't gifted much the same as high achievement scores don't mean that a child
is gifted although schools often mistake the two.
In re to your ability to teach him, should you decide to homeschool, even if you don't feel smart enough, I can't imagine that his teachers are any smarter than you so they are probably no better able to teach him (as evidenced by what they haven't taught him this year if nothing else!)