I understand, as others have, about teaching him the lesson of quitting when things get tough. We've tried to straddle that line ourselves and there are some times where I can say that I wish I had gone the route of taking them out. With dd11, I removed her in the last few months of the school year of 1st grade due to a totally intolerable situation and a child who was telling me that she wished she had never been born. In 6th grade (last year), I made her stick it out with an algebra teacher she didn't mesh with b/c it wasn't totally intolerable and she was old enough to deal at that point.

In re to my younger dd (9), I strongly wish that I hadn't left her in 3rd grade all last year. The teacher completely killed her love of learning and convinced dd that she wasn't really too bright, just good at guessing sometimes. We are still undoing massive emotional damage from that year.

For next year, is the current school a possibility or are you looking at different schools if you don't homeschool? The only reason I would even consider staying for the last four weeks is if you might be at that school next year. If not, I'd sit down with your ds and tell him that mom & dad are figuring out what he will be doing for school next year and that you know that this year hasn't been a good fit for him. I'd tell him that you expect him to commit himself to working hard, even when the work isn't as interesting as he would like, and to being respectful of adults, even adults he doesn't like. However, you are also wanting to be respectful of him and you have decided that he will complete the last four weeks of school at home with you doing x, y, and z curriculum (whatever you think is appropriate). I'd stress that you expect next year to work out better and, if things don't go perfectly, that he will be working with you and the teacher to make them better, but he will be staying in school and making them work there b/c you anticipate a better teacher fit next year (if you aren't hsing).