NT Mom, I am going through something similar with my DS7. We only have 2 weeks of school left, but starting about 2 weeks ago he increased his outbursts. He has always argued/challenged the teacher, but he got right in her face (literally) about a difference in opinion. I sent the email from his teacher to the head of his outside social skills group,his outside OT and his at-school ESE contact and they all specifically addressed it during their sessions. I think the most effective one was the OT because she made him admit that he was incorrect in his argument and that he is not allowed to go face-to-face with teachers. It took the whole half hour session and it was not pleasant to watch, but it was effective. He turned himself around and the teacher is thrilled. Having his entire "team" focus on one behavior really helped also. I am hoping we can make it through til the end of the year...but I am like you: should we just pull him out for the last few weeks or try to salvage it? We are taking it one day at a time.

About connecting at home rewards with school behavior, I guess we don't do it the right way. DS loves the online computer game world of warcraft and he does NOT get to play it after school if he has a serious enough disruption to warrant a note home from the teacher. I wouldn't do this if we didn't trust his teacher, but she "gets" him. We do NOT tie the computer game to behavior during art, PE, or other classes because those teachers and situations are too unpredictable. Nan