Thanks Amanda. My DD also has always loved science. What is the name of the workbook your DD is using? Its too bad you weren't located somewhere where you had more options. Right now I plan on having her to go public kindergarten after her next year of preschool, but if the things she is doing after the end of preschool next year are simply so far ahead it would be strange, I will reconsider. I would consider homeschooling but she is so extroverted and so intense that I honestly need a couple hours here and there just to catch my breath esp. since she has a little sister who is also a live wire. My DD also doesn't want to learn from me directly at this point which really saddens me because I worked in education myself at some point (but know very little about early education / testing). I'd love to hear what resources you are using so we can try new things. Enjoy your little dynamo.