LOL - lively!

But not LOL:
It makes me so sad to read your answers to my questions. Please demand that she be placed with the older kids for a trial. They can always move her back. Plenty of well meaning professionals, who have good strong observation skills, just do not have a clue what you are dealing with on a full time basis. Although I would bet that if you shared with the observer what you just shared with us, that she or he might have a lightbulb moment and be your best supporter. Maybe. You have to remember that in America, we have a political agenda that 'all men are created equal' and this has really kept us immature about having a nuanced view of individual children having individual educational needs. I truly believe that every human has equal value, and should be treated equally under the law, but we need to accept that part of the US 'default setting' is to be very suspisious of anyone being 'too different.' We don't even have the slang to refer to what we do as some other countries do - see

This information about LOG is just not 'out there,' even in gifted literature, all gifted is supposed to be 'essentially like MG, only more so.' That is a load of well, that stuff that makes the flowers grow, shall we say?

Good for you for becoming an expert at spotting your own perfectionism and loosening up! You Go Girl!!!

To me, your daughter is clearly not enjoying school. As a group, extroverted girls tend to work hard to put their hearts aside and make the best of any social situation. So her outward appearance isn't enough to say that she is happy, especially when she is sharing that she doesn't want to go to school.

Celebrate that you have come this far, and put on those big girl panties to take another step. (If that is what your heart is telling you, of course)

Either way - keep us posted!
Love and More Love,

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