Originally Posted by TwinkleToes
They suggested doing something outside of preschool for her for mental stimulation, but that keeping her with children quite a bit below her intellectually should do her "no harm." For the moment, I think that may be fine if she seemed happy enough there.

Hey TT -
1) How Nice to have a reassuring observation!
2) What is the observer's credentials with kids who learn to read at age 2? Seriously, since most gifted kids are in the Optimally Gifted range (MG), and yours is not, I would be very careful about accepting their conclusions at face value. You DDs are as different from MG kids, as MG kids are different from average kids, KWIM?
3) I'm confused - is she happy?
4) Is it a problem? The things to watch for are
a) is she showing signs of perfectionism? Is she willing to take risks that might call her smartness into question?
b) is she learning that she isn't one of the group?
c) is she left with so much energy that isn't being satisfied at school that she is hard to manage at home?
d) is the room 'play based' or 'academic readiness - based' - one would expect her to do much better in a play based room.

5) Is there a play based room for older children availible so that one could try a trial to see how she does with older children?

But mostly - Yippee! So nice to have confirmation that she is not patological!!!!

Love and More Love,

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