I just wanted to dive into here a bit to the SCAT test, as my 2e (aspie) daughter took it last summer and did well, and I was excited, and signed her up for a summer course (day) in Los Angeles.
I can only say, unfortunately, it was a nightmare. There was apparently a boy who picked on her incessantly during the class and yes, she's an aspie so is not so well-informed to these things, and I phoned and tried to deal with the JHU people and... nothing.
The people staffing the areas were college students and the teachers were possibly qualified for gifted training, but I saw no evidence of that for our specific teacher. Overall, there's no way any of these people had any 2e or asperger's training and I personally think any highly gifted education training so, caveat emptor. For us, our daughter was terribly unhappy and had every reason to be so. Maybe the online classes are good but I'd be leery of trying CTY again- it seems it's been watered down to the masses to make money. It was a huge enterprise, more like a daycare! I could tell a lot of those kids were just there because their parents put them there, not because of their own natural curiosities, (hence, bullying!) so again, I didn't feel at "home" here at all with a gifted child, I felt like I was in the SAT rat race with Middle America trying to get their kids into Yale and Harvard and the best Frats, meanwhile, my daughter just wants to study black holes, so it was a bad fit.
Hope this helps~