I have read through the CTY summer info and they talk of having a copy of an IEP when a child attends CTY. They seem more then willing to work with special needs children. I think they also did say that an aid was allowed but must be supplied by the parent.

The CTY young children's math is EPGY which is Stanford's software. Stanford is cheaper but the math is the same. Stanford and Hopkins use different software for algebra on up and we are not there yet so I do not know which is better.

Stanford has a lower eligibility criteria for distance programs. You only have to hit the 95 percentile on one test. You don't have to do the talent testing (SCAT or EXPLORE).

The talent search does help a great deal with the school. I have been going round and round about math acceleration for my son and I have received a flat NO. He also didn't do well on GATE testing so he doesn't qualify for that placement. I delivered the CTY testing results and everything changed. They school councilor said she is going to see if she can GATE qualify him based on his SCAT scores. Either way it will change his classroom placement next year. It holds a lot of weight. The councilor was very very aware of talent testing and was quite impressed with the score. I have been dealing with this for 3 years and this and finally things changed today thanks to CTY and the SCAT. People are not looking at me like a lunatic mother anymore. It was a nice feeling. Finally!