I don't know the answers to your questions, but I suggest at least considering the possibility that some of your siblings may have had learning disability types of issues that caused them to seem average rather than bright in school (nonreaders who struggled in school - that would be the tip-off. I'm thinking LDs or perhaps visual learners with some sort of weaknesses - see e.g., http://www.visualspatial.org/welcome.htm). If your dad was very bright also, it's likely that at least some of your siblings are, even if they haven't been able to demonstrate it. Siblings tend to have IQs within 10 points of each other, I believe.

I'm sorry you feel lonely in this regard (says a mom of 6). I hope you find what you're looking for - good luck! smile (Also, FWIW, my mom drives me crazy too; we're pretty different!)

Last edited by snowgirl; 04/19/10 07:45 PM.