This is not (directly) related to the subject of gifted education so I hope you will excuse the intrusion.

I am 44, one of six children. I am the only one who was tested for giftedness. I showed promise early, and scored in the 99th percentile in all testing until the fourth grade (when my math aversion showed up!) My siblings are nonreaders, struggled in school, are pretty much "normal" people I guess.

This onliness of mine has caused some problems throughout my life, and I'd like some support as I try to resolve some of them, especially as I'm increasingly caring for an elderly mother who is SO SO different from me.

I take after my dad, deceased now 10 years. He was a very verbal, restless person whose brain never stopped. Unfortunately, an impatient and frustrated man ... I understand this more and more as time passes.

Anywho -- are there any forums out there for 1) gifted adults, specifically 2) onlies?

Thanks very much in advance.
