I am sure when he gets older he will move on to other ones. Hopefully they will be shorter lived and maybe more interesting, ha ha.
I am the exact same way. OK maybe it isn't things like balloons but, I obsess on a subject until I feel I completely understand it. A lot of them tend to be certain crafts embroidery, sewing, knitting etc.
Right now it is running which is working out well for me so far. They sound like nice little hobbies but, I do take it to an extreme. I will read every blog on running I can find. I will read book after book on the subject. I will listen to podcasts. I will research all types of equipment. I will go into the special foods and all types of stretches and running injuries.
Only my DH knows how I am about my obsessions. Otherwise I seem fairly normal (I think).

DS seems to be the same way.