I got some coffee on the keyboard reading this because last night, at about 4 am, while trying to get DS back to sleep, DH and I had a *fight* about how dead a balloon has to be before we can throw it out. There are several candidates for the garbage can hanging around right now. We decided the ones worse than the blue one could go, but the green one is staying a little longer, and any that are in better condition.
The blue one is sitting precariously close to the kitchen garbage as I type.
Also, no eraser is safe in our house. Especially kneadable ones. At the museum once, DS stole, over the course of about an hour, three kneadable erasers from a sketching class. It must have been an interesting discussion when they got back to class.
And I never realized how many locks there are in the world until I started having to stop and talk about each one. At nearly 11 mos, DS knows that key-cards, key-fobs, and traditional keys are related, and can ALMOST turn a key in a lock if I put it in for him (they tend to hangup partway, and I'm not allowed to use a key-card or -fob anymore

I don't know if he's gifted either. He's way too young. But I really like the discussions on here. I sometimes feel bad that I might be diluting the environment, but I'm being selfish and hanging around 'cause it helps me

I also find it kinda useful to think through my childhood (I was assessed as 2e, but it was called GLD then), and try to be aware of the things that went not so good for me. And reflect on my friends, my tutoree, and other gifties I know, and so on. If he's not gifted, at least it's keeping me amused!