I doubt my mom got any calls. She almost certainly would have given me a "cease-and desist" order if anyone had called to complain. LOL!

I'm with you about telling kids the truth, E&C. If they're going to worry--and they are!--I'd rather that they worry about global warming and cloning and death and fire than about the random imaginings that misinformation is going to create in their little heads.

Besides, the lack of parental trust that would foster just doesn't seem worth it. If they can't trust us, who can they trust?

I just try to avoid the issues inherent in this old joke:

Little Suzie came to her mother and asked, "Mommy, where did I come from?"

Her mother took a deep breath and launched into a lengthy and graphic description of how babies are made. At the end of her lecture, she checked in with her daughter to see if she understood everything.

Little Suzie replied, "Huh. My friend Julie came from Omaha."

wink laugh
