Originally Posted by Grinity
Oh Junior!
It's amazing what they pick up! I'm glad you struggled through to tell him something simple but true. It gives me an insight into the nature of their difference, they are collecting information like puzzle pieces - probably from before they are born, is my guess, and latching on to those pieces with a laser grasp, and engraving them onto long term memory and then they can retrieve them more readily than nescessary, understood or not.

So true! And often that knowledge is disseminated, whether adults are ready for it or not...

I can recall being THE source for birds-and-bees info on the playground when I was 5 or 6. There was all sorts of misinformation out there, and the kids would ask me what was true. I remember vividly a little "lecture" I gave with half of my 1st grade class huddled around me on the playground in our winter coats. LOL!

I took the "job" very seriously, even doing some research to make sure I answered all questions absolutely correctly and thoroughly. Can you imagine?

I've often wondered if there were scores of parents unhappy with me or relieved that their kids knew the truth without their having to tell them! laugh
