Glad to help. Been there, done that. Well, not with cloning, but with other stuff.

It sounds like you did a great job of handling her fears and making her feel better. I hope you patted yourself on the back after you cried and got online. You deserve a great big "good mom" hug! (((hug)))

I'm sure you're right about the tester, but I still think "normal" is topsy-turvy when it comes to these kids. I guess it just seems unfair that someone would even *suggest* that you strive for "normal," when these kids just aren't like that. Give them a good, fun childhood? Yes, absolutely. Try to encourage them to socialize in healthy fashions with peers that are appropriate to their needs? Yup, I'm on board. Give them a loving, stable family and whenever possible try to avoid introducing them to topics that will frighten them? I'm still with you.

But "normal"? Nope. That's just flat impossible. Something not-normal is going to spring forth from their overactive imaginations, no matter how hard you work to keep them ensconced in their happy childhood. It just does. It's how they're hard-wired, and there's very little you can do about it, beyond what you did.

Your DD is normal, and she's having a very normal life for an HG+ kid. You're doing a good job. Honest!

(And BTW, I'd almost guarantee that this evening was more traumatic long-term for you than it was for her. She'll be okay!)

So, incog, sleep tight! Don't let the bed-clones nibble! wink
