So what do you think?

The UCLA Center for Society and Genetics cordially invites you to its Sixth Annual Symposium, �Babies by Design: Redefining Humans?�

What if we could select our children to ensure that they will avoid devastating genetic diseases? What if we could select our children�s sex? What if we could select superior musical or athletic ability?

Technologies for testing embryos allow parents to discover an
ever-increasing amount of genetic information, inviting them to
select only the best traits for their children.

This symposium will explore the complex choices confronting us.
Do we have the right or the obligation to choose the best children? Or does this redefine what it is to be human?

�Babies by Design: Redefining Humans?�
Sunday, Jan. 27
9:30 a.m.�1 p.m.
Grand Horizon Room, Covel Commons
See northwest campus map:

Speakers to include:

�Introduction to the Science � Designing Babies�
Edward R.B. McCabe, co-director, Center for Society and Genetics

�A Parent�s Perspective�
Lisa Nash, mother of a daughter, Molly, with a devastating genetic
disorder, proposed using genetic screening to have a second baby
whose cord blood could be used to treat Molly�s disease. The Nashes
succeeded in using this technique, thereby choosing traits in one
child that could save the life of another.

"Legal Aspects of Emerging Reproductive Technologies"
Judith F. Daar, visiting professor, UCLA School of Law

�Respecting Diversity�
Paul Miller, director, University of Washington Disability Studies
Henry M. Jackson, professor of law, former commissioner, U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission

Panel Discussion � �Redefining Humans?�
The panel moderated by Edward R.B. McCabe will feature the event
speakers and include questions from the audience.

Admission is free. Campus parking will be $8 and is available nearby.

Please RSVP indicating your name, class year and if you will be
bringing a guest, by Friday, Jan. 25 to

For information about this event, visit

If you would like to learn about other activities at the Center for
Society and Genetics, visit

We look forward to seeing you on campus.

Best regards,

Edward R.B. McCabe, M.D., Ph.D.
UCLA Center for Society and Genetics

M. Norton Wise, Ph.D.
UCLA Center for Society and Genetics