Hi Kriston,

BTW, so comforting to see a friendly face online at this time of night.
I don't think the tester was being judgemental, just realistic. Tonight's incident really kind of drives this home for me.
How did I handle it? I explained a little more about the cloning process, ie Humans haven't been cloned yet and there is no evidence to support that this is something that is even possible currently. Then I sang her a lullaby while holding her hand and she fell asleep with a smile on her cute little face.
She was actually worried about human cloning and how to tell the difference between a real person and a cloned one.
Now, I know this seems kind of funny, but she is 7. The mom side of me says: "why on earth does this child need to worry about this?"
Um, then I cried, then I came online because I knew someone out there would get it.
Thank goodness for cyberconnections!

Thanks Kriston,