Originally Posted by Mom2MrQ
I only recently discovered (and I'm almost 40!) that not everyone has that movie (or pictures) in their mind when they read... or think... or... well, anything! I can't wrap my brain around seeing in 'words'. I mean, what does that 'look' like? Do you literally see 'words'? Don't you have to get some kind of image in your mind when you read words? No? confused

I first realized in college that when people said that they were visualizing something, that they really MEANT a VISUAL image! I was floored. Prior to that, I'd thought it was just a figure of speech.

The only time I "see" images in my mind is when I dream. Other than that, all my memories, reading experiences and the like are word-based. I don't always hear the words, although I frequently do. It's more like my mind groups words together and that paints its own non-visual image or experience. I hope that makes sense.

I've found it interesting that although I can't visualize things, I am very good at recalling where, for example, I last saw an item that someone's looking for, even if it was weeks ago, or knowing when something is different in a room. These things always seemed like they'd be very visual-based memories to me, but I guess memory is memory -- just "seen" in different ways.

On the original topic, I also find myself completely swept away by books. I find them to be a true escape to wherever they lead. I just wish I had more time to read for pleasure.

Fun topic!