Ok, well, first let me say I'm not a gifted parent. I am a gifted student. I am in high school (unhappily might I add). I get so unbearably bored in all of my classes. Honestly, the way my school system works it seems like they're trying to force me to just give up and say screw my future and my life for I am a gifted student who gets bored in all her classes and gets straight A's. I don't know HOW I force myself to complete any assignment day after day at the torturous facility oozing with annoying people who refrain from understanding me. They are all blissfully ignorant of anything for gifted students and believe that AP classes will satisfy us. They could never have been more wrong. It's not that I need MORE work. Oh, gosh, no. I am such a procrastinator and indubitably lazy. They don't understand that I need to do things that interest me, or they could at least track the classes so I could move at swifter pace without my need to spend all but probably about one or one and a half of my hours at school drawing, writing stories, crating theories of the world, reading and entertaining myself in any way possible. I learn everything I need to at this school within about an hour and a half or possibly less. I spend exceedingly grand amounts of time just waiting for others to "get it." Anyway, I should probably stop here. I could go on all day ranting about the school system and how I, as a gifted student, feel about it.