When presenting 1st Grade Teacher with "What a Child Doesn't Learn," and explaining that we were concerned DS (then 6) wasn't being challenged, she said, "You know, for some people everything in life just always comes easily. They just never find anything difficult." Disappointingly, I didn't think quickly enough to respond on the spot to say, "Don't you think that the people who grow up to find nothing too difficult are likely those who learned to overcome challenge when they were young -- hence learning that nothing IS too difficult if they apply themselves?"

I almost forgot one from the principal. When I expressed my concerns about the curriculum being used for DS (then 5 or 6) and explained that he wanted to learn his times tables, she said, "Oh, for goodness sakes, don't let him do THAT! He'll be so bored in 2-3 years when rest of the class is just beginning to learn multiplication." Like DS wasn't bored already when his K Math was limited to learning to write numbers properly.

Last edited by Mama22Gs; 01/27/10 11:12 AM. Reason: typo