Wow....these are good.. I have so many not sure where to start.

"boredom is a choice" - school principal

"we are required to meet the needs of profoundly gifted individuals" - school principal

"whose choice was it to move him up to first grade and skip K....since he is already way above the first grade curriculum anyhow maybe he should have just stayed in K" - teacher

"he is going to grow up to be doogie howser" - many many annoying people

"maybe you should have him tested for something, because I have never seen a child that intelligent that did not have a disability" - teacher when DS was in a 3yo pre-k

"your son may be really bright, but there is something else wrong and I worry about when he gets to school because he is going to need a 1:1 aide with him all day and probably have to be in a self-contained classroom". said by director of 4yo pre-k program that was play based and director did not have any degree in education or anything. (DS acted out in their program because it was all play based, unstructured and no learning component, rules, limits, or consequences). It wasn't a good match. We took him out and put him in a Montessori program where he had no behavior issues. Imagine that.

"how did you teach him to read before he was 2?" - lots of people

"does your son ever just play?" - lots of people

"he is already doing some algebra now. We aren't really sure what to do. If we give him the 4th or 5th grade curriculum now, what will he do next year?" - teacher

Thankfully our school situation is going quite well now, but there were those early comments (some not so long ago) that really made us nervous and confused. Looking back on all that, I realize just how far we have come...even if many tears were shed along the way : )