We use the terms Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde quite often in our house, and like you we never know what isthe true root cause of any behavior. These are complicated kids with major extremes. When they're good, they're REALLY good, but when they're bad....

Your ds sounds so much like my ds6. Just wanted to say I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and praying that Dr. Jekyll sticks around for a long while. He's visiting our house this week too! Thank God! I couldn't take another week like last week without having a nervous breakdown.

I just read this thread again, and it's amazing to me that we experience EVERY single one of the behaviors described by the parents on a regular basis. I don't know if these are behaviors typical for all children (we only have one) or if they are typical behaviors for gifties in particular. All I know for sure is that it is exasperating and wonderful all at the same time.

Good luck. Still sending those positive vibes!