Sometimes I have to tell my son that 'even though I can't explain it in words' I am sure I am right, and since I'm the adult, that's going to have to be enough for now. Same thing with, 'I know that my explaination doesn't seem right to you now, but there is a very good chance that when you are older and wiser, you will understand more than you do right now, and you might even agree with me!'

Sylvia Rimm speaks to this beautifully, but apparently that when a child is young and reasonable, it is very tempting to treat them like a 'little adult' and give the explaination all the time. Only trouble is that when they reach their developmentally correct time to become more 'individual,' then they are primed and ready to expect 'equal rights.' I'm certianly guilty of this. Then again, I was such a compliant child, that all it took was a raised eyebrow to have me cowering in the corner. My DS just isn't built that way. He does much better with clear, consistient boundries.

((shrugs)) and more ((shrugs))

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