I just read this thread with great interest. I have a technical/math background as well and am homeschooling an up and coming 3rd grader. I have a BS in math, took grad level math, and have never had a graphing calculator! I guess that would make me mostly in the anti-calculator camp.

I do think the article has some valid points for the ND child. Of course, YMMV when you're dealing with a HG+ child. I do think in the average classroom pre-algebra operations should be quite automatic by the time you're getting to algebra and that conceptual understanding should be there.
We are using Singapore at home. We'll come to the end of the elementary Singapore series this year some time and then we'll have some tough decisions to make! I have been introducing pieces of algebra as we go along, but am really dragging my feet getting to "real" algebra. I guess it's the traditional math student in me that wants him to have the very solid math grounding before we get there.
Also, sign me up to teach math in a few years! I would love it. I love math too.