Hi EastnWest,

I have a dd exactly the same age. I have noticed something similar. Except in our case, instead of gross motor, dd5 seems to have blossomed in the arts/craft/creative department. She used to beg for math workbooks and trips to the library. Now she wants markers, scissors, pipe cleaners and glue. She's drawing treasure maps and creating costumes out of construction paper. None of this interested her in the past. I think it grew out of one of the "stations" in her kindergarten room. She's also writing a lot more on her own, something she's been unwilling to do due to perfectionist issues with spelling words correctly.

It has prompted a minor case of GT denial for me (could she really be that gifted if she seems uninterested in picking up a book to read?). But I'm trying to focus on the fact that she was really average or even actually a bit behind in the creative department (if that can be measured confused ), so it's nice that she's catching up in that area instead of pulling ahead even more in some of the more academic ones. I keep telling myself the same thing I tell her several times a day, "It's not a race! smile "