Our pediatrician (who does not specialize in gifties) swears that kids compartmentalize development. i.e. you often see an infant begin talking less and/or stop acquiring new words when they learn to walk
We've noticed huge slow-downs with learning (including forgetfulness) when our kids are in the middle of a growth spurt. Conversely, they get (even more) clumsy when they are in the middle of a learning spurt.
Hello -
This quote is from another thread. I am curious to hear about other folks who have experienced this pattern (especially in the 5-6 year age range)
My Ds5y4m has develepoed A LOT of skills in the last year on the gross motor side - bike riding, ball sports, swimming, etc. - but not so much with subjects like math and reading. I am wondering how much is attributed to the change in environment (summer camp and swtiching schools) and how much to "compartmentalizing". He used to be so into math and books. now it is much less intense. especailly math.
Any similar patterns out there? And pardon me if you've shared your stories before...