Originally Posted by acs
I'm really afraid that I will offend someone with this post, but it has been on my mind a lot as I go to help out at my son's public school and just wanted to say something. I know that many of you have tried public school and it has been a disaster and you have done what is best for your kids and I respect that. I just hate to see people give up on ordinary public schools; free public education is one of the foundations of our democracy and I think we should support it whenever we reasonably can.

Asc, I'm not at all offended. I "believe" in a strong public education. Unfortunatly, public education didn't believe in DS11! If wishing made it so, he'd still be there with an early gradeskip. I'm hoping that by sharing our story here, other parents with younger kids will be better able to get the early needed gradeskips that can make a public school actually work for some Level III kids. BTW, our public school has less diversity all around than our new private school. That's a whole other sad tale, isn't it.

I've torn my hair out trying to "have my cake and eat it too" - still got my eyes wide open for opportunities, but haven't gotten as far as I would like. Yes the solutions start at home, but yes the solutions are much bigger than any individual. Paradox Alert!


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