Originally Posted by acs
Strangely, the scores that worked are the state mandated test scores. I don't much care for the test myself, but I've taken the attitude that if the state mandates them, then they'll have to live with the results. The one good thing about them, though, is that the are on the computer and they self-adapt. So when DS gets a score that says "advanced for 10th" and he's only in 4th, he really has gotten several 10th grade questions (even though the questions themselves may not be well written, etc)
Acs -
are the tests NWEA's MAP or is there another self adjusting test out there? I think these tests have a lot of potential, and hope that NCLB adopts some kind of "adaptive" testing. Would you be so kind as to start another thread about the standardised testing. I'd like to hear the pro's and the con's.

Acs - I'm really happy for your son. 1/3 of each day in a gifted pull out and subject acceleration! That is wonderful. Our public school district abolished their gifted program, subject acceleration is very rare and disorganized, and has adopted the "we've got handfuls of kids with test scores just like your son" approach. Believe me, I would be tearing out my hair if my neighbors were giving up on a public school system that was as amazing as yours also. Basically I hate when people predujudge Anything. I reccomend you and Dottie start writing letters to the editor on a weekly basis. I will caution you that in our town the perception was "If your kid is special needs or gifted everything is peachy, but the ones in the middle really suffer."

Shrugs and More Shrugs,

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