Originally Posted by Lorel
Cathy, I read about your school in Blue Balliett's books, right?

No, I think that one is in Chicago. The Uni High I went to is in Champaign-Urbana (near the U of I campus). We got to use the U of I computer lab and gym. Some of the kids were taking classes at the U.

Classes were taught in a lecture style, like university classes. Exams were written in blue books. The curriculum was compacted and accelerated. I went there for three years until my family moved to another state.

I started my junior year in a public high school in Washington state. After going to Uni, I really didn't fit in! They put me in Physics, Calculus, 4th yr. German, AP Lit and AP History that year. Then there was nothing left for me to take as a senior. So I took wood shop, photography, metal shop, driver's ed, Washington State history (a class for 9th graders), choir and I read German novels to myself in 4th yr German (again). I also joined the swim team. Even though I didn't make any true friends at my new school, I still had that self-esteem boost from going to Uni. I knew that there were people like me "out there" and that I would find them when I went to college. Just knowing that helped a lot!