Here's another related story: When DS3 was two, I was potty training him and would go to the bathroom in front of him on purpose. One day, he asked me, "Mommy, where's your penis?" I had a ready answer that I had read in a parenting magazine (it never even occurred to me to go into urethra and vulva and all that); I said, "boys have a penis and girls have a vagina." He said, "I want to see your vagina." Well, I actually started blushing. I wasn't about to display my vagina in order to satisfy his curiosity! I said, "Your penis sticks out so it's easy to see but my vagina is... kind of hard to see." Later I heard him explain to DH, "Mommy's vagina is hiding in her hair."

Another funny story from when he was two: We were taking a walk when DS3 stopped all of a sudden. He looked up at me with a mischievous/excited/nervous smile and said, �I stopped.� I said, �I can see that. Why did you stop?� He said, �The sign says no stopping anytime, but I stopped.� I looked up and realized he had read the street sign, �No Stopping Anytime.� He wanted to see what would happen if he disobeyed the sign.