When I was pregnant with current DS3, now DS6 (who was just 2 at the time, to confuse matters and thereby invoke Confused...) was learning the specifics of body parts. We figured if he knew cranium and tibia and humerus, he could also learn uterus. I actually thought it might be less confusing for him to know that the baby wasn't in my belly, but was in a special body part for making babies. It seems to cause fewer problems of understanding.

At an early appointment with the nurse-midwife, DS accompanied me. The midwife bent down and said to DS, in her best condescending voice, "Now, honey, you know that Mommy's got a baby in her tummy, right?"

DS gave me a strange look, like "You're going to trust this woman?" and politely (but firmly) corrected her: "The baby isn't in her belly; it's in her *uterus*."

The midwife and I laughed our heads off! Her comment: "Well, he's Harvard-bound, isn't he!?"

Nothing like an anatomy lecture to a health care pro from a 2yo! LOL! I stil laugh when I think about it.
