This thread is so funny! I find it particularly amusing since I'm expecting in the next month or two or so. (due dates are rather meaningless when you are having pre-term labor!) It falls right in line with the in-laws trying to guess whether we are having a boy or a girl depending on how much weight I have gained in my thighs! Ha!
For DS8 (and future little one):
1) no morning sickness with either.
2) DS on the shrimpy side of height. (DH was the shortest in class until HS)
3) lefty. (very Visual-Spatial kid)
4) hazel eyes, like his dad.
5) early teether. (teeth at 4 months, all 8 first permanent ones in by 6 years.)
6) glasses. (like his parents)
7) very small head (like his parents)
8) didn't sleep through the night until after 4 years old.
So far, DS?/DD? (-2 months) has a head in the 35% when everything else is smack on the 50% mark!
I think if you take all of the HG+ kids out there and average them together, you will find a fair representation of all genetic combinations possible. It seems more dependent on the gene pool than IQ. It is fun to look at all of the various combinations though!!
It would be fun to be able to pick and choose. (I would dump #8 very, very quickly!) But it also begs the question of whether you would choose to have an HG+ child to begin with. It is a long hard road to travel, without much aide or understanding from others, present company excepted of course. There are days when fighting with the school and asynchronous development leaves me exhausted!! I think we would probably choose to our second child be gifted, given the option, but there are days when I pray for just a normal, healthy baby. (with the emphasis on the word