Ok this is fun what if they have blue eyes but blond hair does that cancel out? LOL!
I have one tall and one little both had "proportional" heads they never looked big headed KWIM? Most likely both Gifted although DD4 has not been tested except to have her school put her in Kinder as a young 4yo......I figured it mostly had to do with genes since I was pretty clueless as to child development and following any lists of stuff to do. they still managed to learn. at one point I realized we hadn't read as much to DD4, when my DH pointed out that DD8 read to her (including after bedtime using a flashlight).....
Forgot about the morning sickness, I was nauseous but only threw up once with each kid. Certain things really turned my appetite off though.
Last edited by mschaff; 05/18/09 08:44 AM.