I would throw in glasses
and being left-handed for my own personal boasting, but my YS has the only perfect vision in the house, and all three kids are right handed, despite
both parents being lefties,

Hah! Dh and I are both lefties too, no left handed kids though. In fact most of your list is a match with our brood except for the tall, we are more medium height-large headed-fair skinned folk with glasses... paints a pretty picture

Nausea - yes, with ds, loads. And then 2 months after the birth I had to have my gall bladder removed. Apparently about 40% of pregnant women experience a hormonal shift which causes some gall stone formation, though often not as severe as to require surgery. I had to be on anti-nausea meds for about 1/2 the pregnancy.
Dd, some nausea, no way as severe as with ds. I think working helped keep my mind off it, however. I do remember having to get off the metro train to puke at one of the stops with dd.
I have heard that nausea is a sign your body is producing the right hormones to make a healthy baby, so good health would surely be a + for higher iq. I see #5#5 has mentioned this too...